DSBN News: More Previous Next

Important Dates

May 1 - Pita Day
Gr 4's @ Water Festival

May 2 - Snack Shack
Recognition Assemblies
Pri -9:30, JK/SK -10
Jr/Int -11:40

May 3 - Pizza day
Chess tournament @ McKay

May 4-Prom Project 10-2

May 6 -Mental Health Week

May 7 - Snack Shack
DSBN Writes @ Club Roma

May 8 - Sub day

May 9 - Pizza day
Snack shack

May 10 - Gr 4 - 8 Track & Field @ Centennial

May 12 - Happy Mother's Day

May 13 - Hot dog day

May 14 - Snack shack

May 15 - Pita day
Gr 7 & 8's @ Balls Falls Overnight Camping trip
Yearbook Orders due

May 16 - Snack shack
Support staff day

May 17 - Pizza day

May 20 - Victoria Day

May 21 - Snack shack

May 22 - Sub day

May 23 - Snack shack

May 24 - Pizza day

May 27 - 4-1/4-2 @ Brock

May 28 - Snack shack
Gr 6's @ Brock
Regional Track Meet
6pm - School Council mtg

May 29 - Pita day
4/5 & 5-1 - @ Brock
Gr 2-4 - Comic Presentation

May 30 - Shack shack
4pm - 7pm - FUN FAIR

May 31 - Pizza Day
Recognition Assemblies
Pri -9:30, JK/SK -10,4-8 -11:40

Colour day

Ventilation Improvement Measures

Fitch Street - School-Level Ventilation Improvement Measures

Heart & Stroke Jump Rope for Heart


Welcome back Fitch Street Falcons! We hope you enjoyed a wonderful summer with family and friends. We are very excited to be returning to school and we look forward to seeing all your children’s smiling faces on our playground and in our hallways again. To our new Falcon families, a warm welcome to the Fitch Street community. We look forward to meeting you and your children.

As our 2023 - 2024 school year approaches, we wanted to share a few information pieces with you to help you and your child prepare for the new school year and assist with a smooth start-up.

Class Placements

All families were notified of their child(ren)’s class placement for this school year. All staff will be outside on Tuesday morning to greet and welcome back all our students. Each homeroom teacher will have a sign with their name as well as their class list to assist students in locating their class. We appreciate that with the excitement of the first day of school, families will want to accompany their child(ren). Please be aware that we are not having visitors in the school building at this time. Thank you for your understanding.

Parking Lot

As you are aware, our parking lot is very busy and congested with buses during both entry and dismissal. In addition, there is currently construction taking place for several weeks which impacts the accessibility of our parking lot. Therefore, to help ensure the safety of all our students, we kindly ask that you refrain from using the parking lot for drop-off and pick-up. Our crossing guard will be at the lights to assist students in crossing safely to school. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation with this.

School Day Schedule

We are excited to be returning to our two regular 40-minute fitness/nutrition breaks each day supervised by staff and/or supervisors. Breaks will be staggered with 20 minutes to eat in their classroom and 20 minutes of outdoor time.

8:50 Duty Bell

9:05 - 9:55 Period 1

9:55 - 10:45 Period 2

10:45 - 11:25 Nutrition & Fitness Breaks 11:05 switch

11:25 - 12:15 Period 3

12:45 - 1:05 Period 4

1:05 - 1:45 Nutrition & Fitness Breaks 1:25 switch

1:45 - 2:35 End of Lunch/Nutrition

2:35 - 3:25 End of Day

School Supplies

We understand that many families like to purchase school supplies. As always, you are welcome to do this. However, the school will provide all necessary learning materials. If you need these items, please let your child’s homeroom teacher know. We recommend that you send a fillable water bottle as students will have access to water-filling stations.

Plan of Care Forms

Just a kind reminder to please return any plan of care forms that you received back in June, if applicable. If your child requires a plan of care and does not yet have one on file at school, please contact the office so the appropriate paperwork can be sent home to be completed.


Lastly, if your child qualifies for busing, please visit www.nsts.ca for updates and information regarding your child(ren)’s pick-up and drop-off location and time.

We are looking forward to a great start-up and welcoming all our Fitch Street Falcons back to school. As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the school at (905) 732 – 3683.


Mrs. Tracy Leemet Mrs. Katie Lagerwerf

Principal Vice Principal

School Ventilation Measures


If you have a child with a prevalent medical condition (Anaphylaxis, Asthma, Diabetes, Epilepsy or they require medication while at school), we want to make sure we have a current Plan of Care in place to support your child.

All parents of children with a prevalent medical condition are asked to fill out a Plan of Care as soon as possible and send it into the school with your child. You can download the forms by clicking on this link prevalent-medical-conditions

Follow us on Twitter @FitchSchool for updates and information about what's happening at Fitch!

School Vandalism

If you are looking to report any vandalism or damages to DSBN schools or properties, please call Password Protection Services. The phone number is 1 800-561-3099. Once notified they will contact the appropriate personnel at DSBN and the issues will be dealt with in a timely manner. Thank you for your support in keeping our schools and community safe.


We want all students and families to arrive at school safely each day. Please allow enough time to ensure you are able to find parking and get to school on time. Please do not park along the fence line in our parking lot entrance as it prevents our buses from getting into the school parking lot. Also if you are walking from the plaza on Fitch Street please stay on the sidewalk and do not cut though the garage parking lot as cars are pulling in and out of the bay doors at all times of the day and we want to keep everyone safe. Please be patient and help us ensure all of our students arrive safely at school.